Mental Health Conference
Audiences will hear about how the mental health system treats people, directly from those who have experienced mental health issues. Celebrating and championing the voices of lived experience, the conference will explore the power of advocacy and activism to unite people and campaign for change. It is a chance to hear first-hand about a diversity of mental health issues such as psychosis or personality disorder; to explore what can’t be learnt in textbooks. There will also be artwork and poetry, a powerful way for audiences to step into our shoes and understand what it’s like for us.
The conference celebrates the range of work developed as part of Collective Advocacy facilitated by CAPS. Through Collective Advocacy, people with similar experiences get together to bring about change and challenge stigma. Each group has a facilitator, often someone who has lived experience of mental health issues themselves. It is a unique process where people with lived experience lead the way. They decide what they want to achieve and they help improve things for everyone.
We welcome everyone to the conference, whether you’re a funder, third sector or health and social care professional, or you’ve experienced mental health issues yourself, or you’re just curious to find out more about mental health experiences.
CAPS’ CEO Jane Crawford said: ‘Collective advocacy gathers people’s views and explores how people have experienced services so that decision-makers can best target their resources. It’s vital that people who have experienced mental health issues get to have their say and their voices are uniquely important for anyone involved in the mental health system’.
The conference will happen at Norton Park Conference Centre Edinburgh on the 8th May 2025. Contact for more information or to book ahead: