About VCEL
Our role in the Third Sector Network
Being actively involved in the Third Sector Network allows us to work with many forums and organisations to collectively influence key areas of community life in East Lothian.
Third Sector Forums
Playing a key role in the third sector network of East Lothian, we host and help run local forums which focus on different key themes including: the Third Sector Forum, the Children, Young People & Families Forum, the Community Justice Forum and the Health & Social Care Forum.
All forums are open to any voluntary organisation, community group or social enterprise that self-identifies as having a relevant role to play or interest in the theme.
The forums:
Provide a safe space for information sharing and discussion
Promote networking between third sector organisations
Help identify key challenges and issues faced by the sector
Promote the sharing of learning and best practice from both local and national level
Allow the third sector to influence the development of strategy and policy at local level
Give direct access to third sector organisations for consultation and engagement
Build capacity through training
Encourage and promote collaborative working
Children, Young People & Families Forum
East Lothian has a vibrant, growing range of organisations seeking to improve outcomes for children, young people and families.
VCEL has been working closely with partners around Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) since 2020. Our role is to connect, develop and enable community groups and organisations with an interest in improving CYPF outcomes in East Lothian to be involved in local decision making.
We’re actively engaged in the National Third Sector GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) project. This is a partnership between Children in Scotland and the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CPPS) whose aim is to support local and regional third sector organisations to navigate the challenges and opportunities within children’s services to deliver improved outcomes.
We get to work with our partners through the strategic Children, Young People and Families Forum - the purpose of which is to:
Analyse and improve outcomes for children, young people and families
Represent the third sector as widely and fully as possible
Work with community planning and commissioning partners
Provide strong, representative engagement with the strategic planning of CYPF services
Identify needs and gaps in the sector and find solutions
Empower service users, communities and the the third sector as a whole
Share relevant information, training and news
The forum is open to any East Lothian third sector organisation contributing to, or with an interest in, CYPF outcomes.
VCEL provides operational and facilitation services for the forum, currently chaired by Dave Evans.
Community Justice
Bringing a local perspective to community justice, this forum places planning at the local level where decisions can be made by people who know their area best. VCEL has been working closely with partners around community justice since 2019. Our role is to connect, develop and enable third sector groups and organisations with an interest in improving community justice outcomes in East Lothian to be involved in local decision making.
The forum:
plays an integral part in the strategic planning and commissioning of services
facilitates strategic engagement of Third Sector organisations working in the field of community justice and operating in East Lothian
coordinates the development and delivery of services provided by Third Sector organisations working in the field of community justice in East Lothian
operates as a two-way communication and information sharing platform between the Third Sector and East Lothian Community Justice Partnership
Upcoming Meeting
Date TBC
The forum is open to any Third Sector organisation contributing to, or with an interest in, community justice outcomes in East Lothian.
Chairing duties of forum meetings are shared amongst forum members, with VCEL providing operational and facilitation services.
Health & Social Care
The integration of adult health and social care is part of the Scottish Government’s programme of reform of public services designed to improve outcomes for people and the communities in which they live.
VCEL has been working closely with partners around Health and Social Care Integration since 2013. Our role is to connect, develop and enable third sector groups and organisations with an interest in improving health and wellbeing in East Lothian to be involved in the Integration Joint Board (IJB). You can find more on this here.
With a focus on bringing the third sector into our health and social care partnership we invite involvement around diverse themes such as joint strategic planning and commissioning, organisational development, co-production, community engagement, locality working, volunteering and quality assurance.
Upcoming Meeting
Date TBC
The Forum is open to any Third Sector organisation contributing to, or with an interest in, health and social care outcomes in East Lothian.
Third Sector Forum
With no formal membership, the Third Sector Forum offers a general platform for addressing any matters involving or affecting voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises. These open and inclusive forums can be themed or involve guest speakers and are purposefully flexible in content and focus so as not to limit areas of discussion.