Tackling Poverty in East Lothian Fund


The East Lothian Foodbank Tackling Poverty Fund aims to support organisations throughout East Lothian with a grant towards the cost of a project which prevents or alleviates poverty in our communities. Applicants must be based in East Lothian or have a demonstrable track record of operating in East Lothian for the benefit of East Lothian residents. This fund was generously donated by ReUse Scotland SCIO.

What Funding is Available?

The Tackling Poverty Fund will provide grants up to £5,000 to registered Scottish charities. Funding for this new grant award is limited and not all projects will be supported. Funding, therefore, is not guaranteed and the quality of the application submitted is an important part of the assessment process.

Who Can Apply

Registered Scottish charities who have been in operation for a minimum of 2 years. Organisations should demonstrate that they recognise the challenges people in their community are facing related to poverty, as well as how their organisation’s work will respond to this and support them or work to prevent future experiences of poverty.

How to Apply for Funding

Applications and information can be found on the East Lothian Foodbank website: Grants | East Lothian Foodbank

  • Applications open: Monday 28th March 2025

  • Applications close: Friday 11th April 2025

Completed applications and supporting documentation should be sent to grantfund@eastlothian.foodbank.org.uk


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