In the community
VCEL can help develop your employability
We understand that finding your place in the world of work can be challenging, so we’re here to help you take the necessary steps for success in your search for employment.
Employability & Personal Development Service
Through choice or necessity, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re required to re-assess your employment options. Perhaps you’re new to East Lothian and looking for work. Or maybe you’re planning to return to work after a break, wanting to change career or struggling with your current job.
Whatever your situation, volunteering can help you develop skills, find confidence and get a feel for what a workplace is like. And it can provide valuable references for when you do apply for a paid job.
VCEL has links with career advisors from East Lothian Works and Skills Development Scotland. You can find out more on how they can help you by visiting their websites or feel free to get in touch with us directly.
And why not look at our Volunteer Opportunities page to see what local organisations and projects you could get involved with.

Upcoming sessions
To make it easier for you to know what events are coming up here in East Lothian, you can keep up to date here with our helpful signposting. Even if you’re not sure exactly what you need or want, something here might just be the helpful first step towards a more confident future.