Children's Services Section 10 Funding 2021/22
The newly amended East Lothian Children’s Services Section 10 Funding Application for financial year 2021/22.
There is a quick turnaround and applications need to be returned by 12:00 on Monday 22 February 2021 to the dedicated mailbox : where any queries can also be sent.
The revised criteria for applications is as follows:
Before completing this application for funding you should ensure your proposal meets at least one of the East Lothian Children’s Services Partnership Priorities as follows:
We will improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
We will support parents, carers and families to be more resilient.
We will reduce inequalities for our children and young people within and between our communities.
And that it fits in with at least one of the current ELC Children’s Services - Service Priorities:
Reduce the numbers of children and young people in external placements.
Build capacity in internal care resources
Support practice shift to early intervention/prevention