Families Outside’s Training for Professionals is aimed at any professional whose role means they come into contact with families, and who feel that they would benefit from being able to better support families affected by imprisonment in their own role.
The training is priced at £55 per person, per module.
Please note, the training modules incorporate a mix of learning styles, and provides opportunities to interact with other participants from different professional backgrounds and sectors. Interaction is required, in smaller breakout room discussions and whole group discussions.
Prison and Prison Visiting will cover:
The functions and key elements of the Scottish prison estate
The importance of maintaining family contact, and how families can keep in meaningful contact with a family member in prison
The supports which are available for families within a prison environment
It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone or for more than one person to join on the same screen. Participants will receive an email with the joining instructions a week in advance of the session.
Families Outside can also deliver bespoke training sessions to your organisation. To discuss this, or any aspect of our training, please contact training@familiesoutside.org.uk