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Who is this course for?

This course is for multi-agency operational staff and managers who are in regular contact or carry out direct work with children, young people and/or their parents or carers, and who have a requirement to learn more about child protection for their role. This course is a refresher and suitable for staff who have previously completed the full Child Protection and Risk Assessment Training.

Are there any pre-requisites for attending this course?

Applicants must have previously completed Inter-agency Child Protection Risk Assessment and Processes training (Level 2) within the last 3 years.

In advance of attending the course, you should ensure you are familiar with

•      Child protection | Child protection | East Lothian Council

•      Child protection | Report a child at risk | Midlothian Council

What are the learning outcomes?

·         Update your knowledge of child protection processes.

·         Increase confidence and knowledge of risk and resilience.

·         Feel more confident in assessment and analysis and revisit associated tools.

·         Understand your role within Interim Safety Plans and Child Protection Plans.

·         Improve confidence in decision making, planning and chronologies.

How will the training be delivered?

This training will take place in person at Pennypit Centre, Training Rooms 1&2, Double Dykes Rope Walk, Prestonpans, EH32 9BN. The training will be delivered on a multi-agency basis by professionals from Health, Education, Social Work and the Child Protection Lead Officer.

How do I apply?

You are required to seek your manager’s approval, ensure that you are available on the day, and that you have protected time to attend before enrolling. You can then apply by completing the enrolment form overleaf.   Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis.  The closing date for booking on this course is Thursday 8th August. Applicants will be notified shortly thereafter if they have been allocated a space on this course.

Note: This course counts towards the Continuous Professional Learning requirements (Child Protection) for registered social service workers.

To book a place please complete the table attached and return by e-mail BY NO LATER THAN

Thursday 8th August. (in WORD FORMAT ONLY) to

26 August

East Lothian Employability Summit

29 August

Polish Community Cafe