UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 Guidance for Third Sector Organisations
Earlier this year, the Scottish Government incorporated the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scottish Law. In broad terms, the act will protect children’s rights by enshrining them in law and placing legal obligations on public authorities to comply with the UNCRC requirements in the delivery of their public functions.
VCEL Podcast Release Friday 31st May
Volunteer Centre East Lothian (VCEL) Launches New Podcast Series: CONVO (Communities, Outreach, Networking, Volunteering, Opportunities).
East Lothian Third Sector Update | 17/05/2024
Welcome to the latest Third Sector Update for East Lothian.
Third Sector Resource Sharing Survey!
Your voice matters! Participate in our survey to shape the future of resource sharing and collaboration within the third sector.
TSI Annual Satisfaction Survey
It is important to us that East Lothian's Third Sector and volunteers are successful, thriving, resilient and valued, and that we, as a TSI are delivering our Outcomes.