NEW Mindfulness Class

Ageing Well is introducing a NEW class on ZOOM starting Wed 11th Nov – Mindfulness Foundation Sessions for Beginners.

Joyce is leading on these sessions. Joyce lives in Haddington and is a trained mindfulness based living course (MBLC ) tutor who trained with the Mindfulness Association in Scotland. She has taught mindfulness courses to groups of educators and the wider community and has been teaching mindfulness to children in Education.

What to expect:

-Each session is 1 hour on ZOOM, with time for a chat at the end of the session.

-The sessions are experiential, you learn some basic mindfulness skills each week.

-Mindfulness meditation is a practice -  like we do physical exercise to stay healthy, this is exercise for the mind and brain!

-To get the best experience, join us for all 4 sessions and practice at home!

-We accept people to join us on a drop-in basis, but you will need to register beforehand.

If you or anyone is interested please contact Joyce on 07910 362324 or email Please note that you will need to read and sign a registration form, which Joyce will provide – this is for health and safety reasons.


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