Funding for youth groups - information and consultation event

Funding for youth groups - information and consultation event – 5th March

Please come along to Northern Star Associates’ online event on 5th March and find out about specific funding for youth groups and communities across rural East Lothian and Midlothian.  The Tyne and Esk Local Action Group (LAG) distributes the Tyne & Esk Rural Communities Development Fund which is part of the Scottish Government’s Community Led Local Development Programme. 

Date: 5th March 24

Time: 11am - 12.30pm

Location: Online via MS Teams 

The Local Action Group is keen to engage young people and youth partners in grant making as well as encouraging applications to the fund.   At the online event we will share information about possible funding available, how to apply and answer any questions you might have.  The LAG is currently waiting for confirmation of funding for 2024-25. 

The Local Action Group’s long-term vision is to establish independent youth local action groups for grant-making but currently does not have the funds to support and facilitate this.  In the short term the LAG would love your views on the following questions which we will discuss on the 5th March:

1.       How can the LAG involve young people in the LAG decisions? Would young people wish to be on the LAG and attend some or all meetings?

2.       Would a separate fund dedicated to young people be utilised by partners/young people?

3.       What other options are there to involve and engage young people in the LAG?

They would love to see you on 5th March.  So they have an idea of numbers please email  to let them know if you’d like to attend. 

If you’d like to come along but can’t make the 5th March please let them know and if we have enough interest they can organise a second session.

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