Conversation with the People of Scotland

The Scottish Government are looking to have discussions with people about the Future of the NHS in Scotland. The Scottish Government have established a mobilisation recovery group, and are looking for feedback from key experts and other stakeholders to ensure a system wide input into decisions on resuming and supporting NHS service provision in Scotland.

The Scottish Government have asked the Alliance to lead on stakeholder engagement work and are supporting this and want to find out What Matters To You?  The Alliance are holding national virtual events in October. If you or your organisation/group would like to attend these then you can sign up using the links in the below:

Event dates:

Tuesday 27 October 10-11.30am

Thursday 29 October 10-11.30am and 6-7.30pm


Listening with Everything; A MYPAS Webinar 10th Nov


Recovery Summit “Creating a new East Lothian” - SAVE THE DATE - 2nd December