Challenge Poverty Week 2020
A full list of events can be found on the Challenge Poverty website.
Monday 5th October (10 am - 12 pm)
Navigating the storm: charting a course to solve child poverty in Scotland – Webinar
Joseph Rowntree Foundation are hosting a webinar on poverty in Scotland, details and a registration link can be found on their website.
“Join the Joseph Rowntree Foundation for this webinar to mark the start of Challenge Poverty Week, when JRF will be publishing its independent, state-of-the-nation report, Poverty in Scotland 2020. This will show the forces that have been driving poverty both before and during the pandemic. We have worked alongside citizens from Glasgow, Ayrshire, Shetland and Fife with direct experience of life on a low income in developing this year’s report, to help understand the impact of COVID-19 ‘as it happened’ and to help shape the policy directions we need to follow.
To get on course by spring 2024, Scotland’s recovery will need to prioritise people who have been caught up in waves of poverty before and during COVID-19. We can reshape our economy, housing and social security systems to work better for all of us – but it will take bold action and commitment from employers, housing and public service providers, governments and communities themselves to make it happen.”
Thursday 8th October (11 am - 12 pm)
Challenging the effects of poverty in South East Scotland - Webinar
Home Energy Scotland and Changeworks are hosting a webinar on the effect of fuel poverty in South East Scotland, you can register for the webinar here.
“The Covid-19 crisis is putting increased pressure on already vulnerable households, with many finding it difficult to pay their energy bills and put food on the table.
Join Home Energy Scotland and Warmworks during Challenge Poverty Week and find out what funding and support is available to challenge fuel poverty in South East Scotland.
The Trussell Trust, known for their network of food banks in the UK is keen to see an end to their services and will also be sharing some of their thoughts of this vision and their upcoming release of their 5-year strategy to this end.
Who should attend?
The webinar is for those who work with and support people vulnerable to food and fuel poverty, particularly those living on low incomes, older people, families with young children, and householders with health conditions.
What will you learn?
At the end of the session you will have a better understanding of:
What is fuel poverty and what support is available for vulnerable householders
How Home Energy Scotland and Warmworks work together to deliver the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme
Trussell Trust’s vision for an end to the need for food banks”