Scottish Budget: Asks and Offers - TSI Scotland Network

Supporting The Scottish Government Agenda

Ahead of the Scottish Budget on December 4th, the TSI Scotland Network is urging the Government to prioritize public service reform, and make the Third Sector a priority. It has been more than 13 years since the Christie Commission set out a framework for change to Scotland’s public services, and change is needed now more than ever.

“Unless Scotland embraces a radical, new, collaborative culture throughout our public services, both budgets and provision will buckle under the strain.” … “The goal must be nothing less than a thorough transformation of our public services. The prize is a sustainable, person-centred system, achieving outcomes for every citizen and every community.”

(Christie Commission, 2011)

This is the future we want to see, and so we are calling on the Scottish Government to take action. You can more detail on all the information below, as well as related case studies here

Ask 1: Invest in Collaborative Third Sector Delivery Models to Support Public Sector Reform

The Commission described the status quo as ‘top down’, not focused enough on prevention and ultimately unresponsive to the needs of communities. Over a decade since the Christie Commission these aspirations are no nearer being achieved. This upcoming Scottish budget, alongside Barnett Consequentials from the recent Westminster Budget, is an incredible opportunity to invest in public service reform designed for and by people in communities to create the long-term sustainability that is desperately needed. The third sector is a crucial change delivery partner working locally with people, places and public services.

Ask 2: Fairer funding to Enable the Systems Change the Scottish Government Seek

There must be faster progression to fair funding approaches across Government departments. More adequate, long-term funding will help ensure the third sector can offer fair work and security to its employees, deliver long-term and sustainable impact and proactively be involved in the local change that is needed. This is now supported by the Community Planning Improvement Board[1

Ask 3: Direct Funding to Communities That is Shaped by Local People and Groups

A nationwide commitment to more investment directly in our communities, delivered by community organisations and directly benefitting those who live locally, is key to early, preventative and care closer to home models of local support. This would also help public services in their reform to early interventions where they are needed. To date, holding this community investment in local public services has had minimal impact on the reform that is needed.

Ask 4: Support the TSI Scotland Network to Lead on Change

TSIs facilitate the involvement of local third sector organisations and local people in delivering key Scottish Government priorities, including eliminating child poverty, building a fairer economy through Community Wealth Building and the Social Enterprise Action Plan, tackling social isolation and loneliness, creating the foundations for Whole Family Support and nurturing local connections for a just transition to Net Zero, to name a few. The Network is proud to be a partner with Scottish Government with a commitment to increasing our reach for more collaborative cross-sector working, building on representation in local decision-making structures and ensuring communities are actively involved in the design of future local services.


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