Monthly Funding Update 4th February 2020

Welcome to the latest funding update from Volunteer Centre East Lothian.

Funding Categories:

  1. NEWS & Covid-19 UPDATES











1. NEWS & Covid-19 UPDATES 

COVID-19 Response Fund
Grants are available to UK charities that demonstrate a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Deadline: 31 July 2021

Adapt & Thrive Programme
Recovery for the third sector has not been straightforward, and lockdowns, changes to guidelines and the tier system will continue to be part of our daily lives in 2021. As a response, Adapt and Thrive has adapted and from 11 January, all eligible organisations can access funding regardless of turnover size and the top value of grants has increased to £75K. Adapt and Thrive Programme will support organisations across the third sector to adapt to the challenges presented by COVID-19 and build back better to thrive in the future. The programme will help organisations to make the necessary changes to operate sustainably so they can continue to have a positive impact on people and communities.
Open for applications Ongoing.

Communities Recovery Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 are available for individual organisations. Partnerships can apply for up to £75,000. Communities Recovery Fund provides funding for the delivery of services in communities that were suspended or reduced because of COVID-19, or the creation of new services that tackle new challenges presented.
Open for applications Ongoing

Community Response, Recovery & Resilience Fund
The Fund is open for applications up to £5,000. Now, as we enter tighter restrictions once again, it's becoming more evident that Covid-19 will impact on third sector operations well into 2021 and perhaps beyond. Whilst we will continue to provide emergency support for those who need it, we are now in the Resilience phase.
Deadline: Ongoing,-recovery-resilience-fund/

British Muslim Covid-19 Fund
Peace & Relief International grants up to £5,000 are available for charities, organisations and voluntary groups in the UK impacted by the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Small grants (up to £1,000) are intended for community groups, grassroots organisations, food banks and other volunteer groups
Deadline: Ongoing

Morrisons Foundation - COVID-19 Homeless Support Fund
Morrisons Foundation grants up to £10,000 are available to support charities caring for the homeless during the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Registered charities that care for the homeless can apply for support to cover three broad areas:
● Outreach and support for rough sleepers, including provision of essentials
● Delivery of services in hostels and shelters
● Information and advice.
Deadline: Ongoing


Culture and Business Fund Scotland
Funds of up to £40,000 are available. This fund has the following objectives:

  • To encourage business sponsorship of Scottish based arts and heritage activity.

  • To entice back businesses that have not sponsored the arts and heritage in the last two years.

  • To support arts and heritage organisations to build new business sector partnerships.

  • To attract non-Scottish based companies to sponsor Scottish arts and heritage activities.

  • To encourage businesses to sponsor Scottish arts and heritage activities for two and three years.

The scheme also includes support for the heritage sector. The hope is this will attract new applications ranging from archaeology to historic buildings whilst taking in intangible heritage, green spaces, libraries and museums.
Deadline: Ongoing

Foyle Foundation Main Grants Scheme
Grants between £10,000 up to £50,000 are available to benefit charitable causes in either the Arts or Learning:

  • Arts - This strand is designed to improve the sustainability of the arts and support groups which work to achieve this. Generally, funding is for specific projects/activities that offer long-term benefit and sustainability.

  • Learning - This strand is designed to support projects that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge such as through increased access to places of learning (eg museums and libraries) and which have a long-term strategic impact..

Deadline Ongoing

Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme
Grants up to £10,000 are available to support smaller, grass-roots and local charities in the UK with projects that have the potential to make a significant difference to their work. Grants can be used for core costs or essential equipment.
Deadline Ongoing

Garfield Weston Foundation
Grants up to £100,000 are available to charitable organisations in the UK for a wide range of projects in the areas of welfare, youth, community, arts, faith, environment, education, health, and museums and heritage.
Deadline: Ongoing

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Arts Access and Participation Fund
Grants of up to £400,000 are available to support change in the way the arts are created, presented, accessed and experienced so that a wider and more diverse group of people have access to quality artistic practice, both as audiences and participants. Pre-application access support and a bursary of up to £500 is available to help groups apply
Deadline: Ongoing

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Arts-based Learning Fund
Grants of up to £400,000 are available to support work which enables pupils in formal education settings, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality or disadvantage, to thrive through engagement with high quality, arts-based learning. The funding is intended to support arts-based work that tackles the disruption caused by the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic to education and the adverse impact on children and young people’s mental
health and wellbeing, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality and barriers to learning.
Deadline: Ongoing

Further links to Hardship Funds
Bella Caledonia are posting a list of hardship funds and awards currently available to artists and freelancers in
Scotland. By Iona Lee - Published on 7th November 2020
Deadline: Ongoing


Resilience and Recovery Loan Fund
This is a new fund for social enterprises and charities that are improving people’s lives across the UK who are experiencing disruption to their normal business model as a result of COVID-19. It has been established to make an existing government scheme, the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, more easily accessible to charities and social enterprises.
Deadline: 31 March 2021

Coronavirus - information for businesses
The UK and Scottish Governments have announced a package of support to assist businesses. You can use this business support finder to see what support is available for you and your business. Please check back regularly for updates.
Deadlines Changing

Social Entrepreneurs Fund –Start It
Up to £5,000 of start-up funding for individuals with a business idea that addresses a social, environmental, and/or community issue. You can apply for Start it if you have an idea for a social enterprise but need some funding to get it up and running. The idea should be new, not a continuation of something already existing.
Deadline: Ongoing

Shackleton Foundation Leadership Award
Seed funding grants up to £10,000 and support are available to inspirational leaders and early stage social enterprises in the UK to establish their own non-profit ventures with the potential to provide solutions to intractable social problems faced by disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people.
Deadline: Ongoing


Volant Charitable Trust - Open Grants Programme
Grants up to £30,000 are available for registered charities and other not-for-profit organisations in Scotland undertaking projects to help poverty and social deprivation, particularly supporting children, young people and women.
Deadline: 30 March 2021

BBC Children in Need - Main Grants Programme
Grants up to £100,000 for not-for-profit organisations that are working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and younger. Application process requires that applicants register by submitting an
Organisation Registration form
Deadline: 12 April 2021

BBC Children in Need - Small Grants Programme
Grants up to £30,000 for not-for-profit organisations that are working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and younger. Online application system is available on the BBC Children in Need website
Deadline: 12 April 2021

Challenger Children's Fund
Small grants up to £500 are available to help meet the needs of physically disabled children (under the age of 18) in Scotland.
Deadline: Ongoing


RS MacDonald Charitable Trust
Funding is available for registered charities in Scotland in the following areas: tackling child abuse and neglect, visual impairment, neurological conditions, medical research and animal welfare.
Deadline: 09 March 2021

Resilient and Inclusive Communities Fund
Grants up to £3,000 are available for diverse Ethnic Minority community groups and organisations in Scotland to set up programmes and services supporting disadvantaged and excluded communities.
Deadline: Ongoing

Robertson Trust new funds
New funds are from £2,000 to £750,000 are available to apply for. They offer both revenue and capital funding for registered charities and constituted community groups that help people and communities in Scotland who are living with poverty and trauma. Wee Grants up to £2,000, Small Grants up to £15,000 Large Grants up to £50,000,
Community Vehicle Grants up to £10,000 and Community Building Grants up to £750,000
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Community Fund - Grants for Improving Lives
Grants from £10,000 up to £200,000 are available to a range of organisations in Scotland for activities which help people in Scotland to overcome difficulties and become more resilient.
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Community Fund - Community-led Activity
Grants from £10,000 up to £150,000 are available to voluntary and community organisations in Scotland for projects in local communities that bring real improvement to the places where people live and to the wellbeing of those most in need. Funding is available for up to three years.
Deadline: Ongoing


Tree Council - Branching Out Fund
Grants up to £1,500 are available to assist schools and community groups in undertaking well-planned tree planting projects across the UK, preferably during National Tree Week.
Deadline: Ongoing

Volunteering Matters Action Earth - Scotland
Small grants up to £500 are available for local volunteer groups in Scotland to take action and improve their local environment through volunteering activities
Deadline Ongoing

Schroder Charity Trust
Grants up to £5,000 are available for charities supporting education, communities, the environment, health, arts and culture, international development, heritage, and the armed forces.
Deadline: Ongoing

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation - Grants
Grants from £3,000 are available to organisations doing legally charitable work in the UK that focuses on the Foundation's funding priorities of improving the natural world, securing a fairer future, and strengthening the bonds in communities in the UK. The minimum grant size is £30,000.
Deadline: Ongoing


Association of Independent Museums (AIM) Collections Care Scheme
Grants up to £10,000 to enable small museums to develop a more sustainable approach to the conservation and management of collections through improvements to collections care within their museum.
Deadline: 31 March 2021

Stafford Trust
Grants up to £5,000 are available to support registered charities in the UK, with a preference towards charitable organisations operating in Scotland.
Deadline 30 June 2021

Henry Smith Charity - Main Grants - Strengthening Communities
Grants up to £60,000 to support the running costs of small community-based organisations working in the most deprived areas of the UK to help people to make positive changes in their lives
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Awards for All - Scotland
Grants up to £10,000 are available for voluntary, community and public sector organisations in Scotland to carry out projects that will improve local communities and the lives of people most in need.
Deadline: Ongoing

Boshier-Hinton Foundation
Grants up to £2,000 are available for charities in the UK working with children and adults with special educational or other needs.
Deadline: Ongoing


Bruce Wake Charitable Trust
Grants are available for the provision of leisure activities for the disabled.
Deadline: Ongoing

Hargreaves Foundation
Grants are available for charities and educational institutions that support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health condition, disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education.
Deadline: Ongoing

Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation
Grants up to £2,000 to support registered charities and good causes in local communities across the UK to alleviate poverty, improve health and save lives
Deadline: Ongoing


Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts - Headley Trust
Funding for registered charities in the UK for projects in the following areas: arts and heritage UK, cathedrals and major churches, parish churches, arts and heritage overseas, developing countries, education, and health and social welfare.
Deadline: Ongoing

SUEZ Communities Trust Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Primary Fund
Grants up to £50,000 are available to non-profit making organisations in Scotland for projects under the categories of Land Reclamation (Object A), Community Recycling (Object B), Public Amenities (Object C), Biodiversity (Object D) and Historic Buildings (Object E).
Deadline: Ongoing

SUEZ Communities Trust Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Smaller Projects Fund
Grants up to £20,000 are available to non-profit making organisations in Scotland for projects under the categories of Land Reclamation (Object A), Community Recycling (Object B), Public Amenities (Object C), Biodiversity (Object D) and Historic Buildings (Object E).
Deadline: Ongoing


Weir Charitable Trust
Grants up to £25,000 are available to small charities or community groups in Scotland for work addressing sport, health, culture, animal welfare, or recreational facilities.
Deadline: 26 February 2021

Canoe Foundation
Grants up to £10,000 are available for clubs, community groups and Local Authorities across the UK for projects that improve the accessibility of available waterways and canoeing facilities and protect the natural environment.
Deadline: 28 February 2021

Sports Facilities Fund
Grants up to £100,000 are available for the provision or upgrading of sports facilities in local communities throughout Scotland.
Deadline: 01 April 2021


Scott Bader Commonwealth Global Charity Fund
Grants up to £10,000 are available for UK registered charities to fund environmental and educational projects and which help young or disadvantaged people in communities worldwide.
Deadline: 26 February 2021

Persimmon Building Futures
Annual competition offering funding awards up to £100,000 to help projects for young people aged under 18 across England, Wales and Scotland.
Deadline: Ongoing

Leslie Sell Charitable Trust
Grants for trips or projects associated with the Scouts or Guides movement within the UK. The Trust makes small grants to Groups to help with the cost of making repairs, or purchasing sundry items of equipment. It also gives assistance to groups and individuals when they make trips in the UK or overseas.
Deadline: Ongoing

Ironmongers' Company
Grant up to £10,000 for projects in the UK that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people under the age of 25 years to fulfil their potential.
Deadline: Ongoing

Barbara Ward Children's Foundation
Grants for charitable organisations undertaking projects for severely disadvantaged children and young people anywhere in the world.
Deadline: Ongoing


Community Taskforce Volunteers - New Support for Volunteering in East Lothian
