Monthly Funding Update 11th June 2021

Funding Categories:

  1. NEWS & Covid-19 UPDATES











1. NEWS & Covid-19 UPDATES 

The Community Ownership Fund
The Community Ownership Fund will help ensure that important parts of the social fabric, such as pubs, sports clubs, theatres and post office buildings, can continue to play a central role in towns and villages across the UK. This will form part of the UK government’s levelling up agenda, helping support recovery and building opportunity, with funding weighted towards places where community assets can make the most difference.
Opening first bidding round for the Community Ownership Fund will open by June 2021

Third Sector Growth Fund
A new £30 million fund is being established to support small businesses within the third sector, helping them to grow as Scotland recovers from the impacts of coronavirus. The fund will be designed to respond to a need for third sector organisations to access loans to help grow and explore new forms of social investment and finance. It will also help support the sector to meet the challenge of the pandemic and to become more sustainable in the long-term.
Opening Soon

Common Call Fund Two
Grants up to £12,500 are available to Black-led charities and social enterprises disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 in the UK.
Deadline: 25 June 2021

Adapt & Thrive Programme
Grants and Loans up to £250,000 to support organisations across the third sector to adapt to the challenges presented by COVID-19 and build back better to thrive in the future. It supports organisations to reflect on their current operations and determine which areas need to change, flex, innovate, or grow in order to be resilient and financially sustainable during and post COVID-19.The programme is delivered in partnership by Firstport, Corra Foundation, SCVO, Just Enterprise, Community Enterprise and Social Investment Scotland.On 24 February the Scottish Government confirmed additional investment for the Community and Third Sector Recovery Programme, which will allow Adapt and Thrive to continue until the end of June 2021.Adapt and Thrive offers tailored, specialist advice, as well as grants and loans. The advice is designed to help organisations to build recovery plans that are flexible, allowing them to stay open, respond to the planned easing of restrictions or adapt quickly to any changes in guidelines or tier levels whilst working towards financial sustainability. The funding is unrestricted so it can also adapt around the needs of the organisation.
Deadline: 30th June 2021

Museums Galleries Scotland COVID-19 Museum Development Fund
Grants up to £60,000 for local authority museums, museums managed by ALEOs and university museums can apply for funding for projects addressing challenges brought about by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Deadline: 02 July 2021

Volant Charitable Trust - COVID-19 Response Fund
Grants are available to charities that demonstrate a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Deadline: 31 July 2021

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Force for Change Programme
Grants up to £10,000 for ideas that need small amounts of funding to deliver nimble and focused local projects to Armed Forces communities or small grants to support services, projects and activities that are used by Armed Forces communities, but which are struggling as a result of the impact of the Covid pandemic.
Deadline: 02 August 2021

Culture and Business Fund Scotland (CBFS) COVID-19 Recovery & Renewal Strand
Grants up to £40,000 that enables collaboration between businesses and arts and heritage organisations based in Scotland to support all sectors in their recovery and renewal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deadline: Ongoing


Creative Industries Fund: Fast Start Business Growth Pilot Competition
Grants of £10,000 are available to provide a package of targeted support for growth so ambitious, creative businesses can reach their potential. This package is designed to help creative businesses to explore new revenue
streams by creating new products, services or IP which respond to changing market conditions
Deadline: 16 June 2021

Garfield Weston Foundation
Grants up to £1000,000 are available for capital, project and revenue costs to UK registered charities working within the UK in the areas of Welfare, Youth, Community, Arts, Faith, Environment, Education, Health and Museums & Heritage..
Deadline: Ongoing

John Ellerman Foundation
Grants from £10,000 and upwards are available to advance the wellbeing of people, society and the natural world. Support is available for charitable work in the arts, environment and social action. The Foundation is keenly aware of the connections between these areas and their effects on each other and on people’s health and happiness.
Deadline: Ongoing

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Arts-based Learning Fund
Grants up to £400,000 are available to support work which enables pupils in formal education settings, particularly those experiencing systemic inequality or disadvantage, to thrive through engagement with high quality, arts-based learning.
Deadline Ongoing

Foyle Foundation Main Grants Scheme
Grants up to £50,000 are available to registered charities in the UK to support the performing or visual arts and for projects that facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and learning.
Deadline Ongoing

PRS Foundation - Open Fund for Organisations
Grants from £10,000 for any not-for-profit organisation based in the UK to support new music projects led by promoters, large performance groups, talent development organisations, venues, festivals and curators in the UK.
Deadline Ongoing

Radcliffe Trust
Grants up to £7,500 are available for UK registered charities working in the areas of music, especially chamber music, composition and music education, or in heritage and crafts.
Deadline Ongoing

Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust - Open Grant Fund
One-off cash awards of up to £5,000 are available to support the development of school pipe bands in Scotland.
Deadline Ongoing

Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development
Grants between £1,000 and £100,000 are available to enable individuals and organisations to explore ways of working that will help them to adapt and respond to the current changing circumstances.
Deadline Ongoing

Further links to Hardship Funds
Bella Caledonia are posting a list of hardship funds and awards currently available to artists and freelancers in Scotland.
Deadline: Ongoing


UnLtd - Awards for Social Entrepreneurs
Funding up to £15,000 is available along with specialist support for UK social entrepreneurs to help them develop as social leaders, and to start up or grow their idea for a social venture.
Deadline: 30 June 2021

UK Games Fund (UKGF)
The Fund offering loans up to £1 million has been created to support established companies that require additional finance to help them recover from the latest coronavirus lockdown.
Deadline: Ongoing

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Ideas and Pioneers Fund
Up to £15,000 are available along with a package of support to help awardees develop their ideas to individuals, small groups and organisations who are focused on exploring an innovative new idea or approach for change.
Deadline: Ongoing

Matthew Good Foundation - Grants for Good Fund
Grants up to £3,500 are available for local community groups, charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises in
the UK for projects that have a positive impact on communities, people, or the environment
Deadline: Ongoing

Shackleton Foundation Leadership Award
Seed funding grants up to £10,000 and support are available to inspirational leaders and early stage social enterprises in the UK to establish their own non-profit ventures with the potential to provide solutions to intractable social problems faced by disadvantaged and socially marginalised young people.
Deadline: Ongoing


Ragdoll Foundation
Grants up to £20,000 are available to support arts, cultural and youth-focused organisations working with children and young people in the UK through the arts, artists and creative media.
Deadline: 02 July 2021

Cattanach Charitable Trust
Grants up to £25,000 are available for charities registered in Scotland that support children from birth to three years old, who are affected by levels of relative deprivation.
Deadline: 08 August 2021

Warburtons Families Matter Community Grants Programme
Small grants up to £400 are available for local projects, activities and organisations that have charitable aims and that will be of real direct benefit to families in England, Scotland and Wales.
Deadline: 09 August 2021

Challenger Children's Fund
Grants of up to £500 are available to help meet the needs of physically disabled children (under the age of 18) in Scotland.
Deadline: Ongoing

Military Order of the Collar Foundation
Grants for not-for-profit organisations that are based in the UK which offer assistance to those in need. The main beneficiaries of grants are: Children/young people, Elderly/old people, People with disabilities, People of a particular ethnic or racial origin. In particular, the welfare of children and the emergency services sector are supported by the Foundation.
Deadline: Ongoing

Tesco Community Grants
Grants up to £1,500 are available to non-profit making, constituted groups and organisations for local good causes that focus on supporting children and families in the UK.
Deadline: Ongoing

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
Small grants of £2,000 to £10,000 and Major grants of £10,000 to £100,000 are available to smaller charitable and not-for-profit organisations in the UK to fund community and family support projects in areas of extreme urban deprivation or deprived rural areas.
Deadline: Ongoing


Tampon Tax Fund 2021-22
Minimum grants of £350,000 are for charitable, benevolent and philanthropic organisations from across the UK for projects that improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged women and girls across the UK.
Deadline: 04 July 2021

Boost Choose Now Change Lives Programme
One off grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 are available to community groups in the United Kingdom to support them in delivering projects or activities that will facilitate change and benefit local people.
Deadline 18 July 2021

Foundation Scotland - Gateway Exchange Fund
Grants of between £250 and £2,000 are available to constituted not-for-profit organisations with charitable aims for projects that empower people to move on with their lives and fulfil their potential, where they would otherwise not have the opportunity.
Deadline: Ongoing

Henry Smith Charity - Main Grants - Strengthening Communities
Grants of between £20,000 and £60,000 are available to support the running costs of small community-based organisations working in the most deprived areas of the UK to help people to make positive changes in their lives.
Deadline: Ongoing

Morrisons Foundation
Grants up to £25,000 are available to registered charities for new projects which directly improve the lives of local people or communities, especially those that are vulnerable or disadvantaged, in England, Scotland or Wales.
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Community Fund - Community-led Activity
Grants of between £10,001 and £150,000 are available to voluntary and community organisations in Scotland for projects in local communities that bring real improvement to the places where people live and to the wellbeing of those most in need.
Deadline: Ongoing

Scotmid Co-op Community Grants
Grants up to £500 are available to local voluntary and community groups and charities for projects that support local communities served by Scotmid stores.
Deadline Ongoing

Scottish Sea Farms - Heart of the Community Trust (HCT)
Grants up to £10,000 for projects that deliver lasting change within Shetland, Orkney, Highland, Argyll and Dumfries in the following areas: health and health promotion; education; personal development; and community projects.
Deadline: Ongoing


Cycling Friendly Community Development Fund
Grants of between £2,500 and £20,000 are available for community groups in Scotland who want to increase opportunities for people to cycle to install facilities to make cycling easier and more accessible.
Opening: 25 June 2021

Cruach Trust
Grants to charities and other organisations to support gardeners, retired gardeners and the preservation of gardens throughout the United Kingdom. Additionally, funding can support a wide range of activities.
Deadline: 10 September 2021

DPD Eco Fund
Grants up to £2,000 are available to charities, community groups, schools, small businesses and other local organisations in the United Kingdom for green projects and environment-friendly initiatives.
Deadline: Ongoing

Schroder Charity Trust
Grants up to £5,000 are available for UK charities supporting education, communities, the environment, health, arts and culture, international development, heritage, and the armed forces.
Deadline: Ongoing

SUEZ Communities Trust Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Primary Fund
Grants up to £50,000 are available to non-profit making organisations in Scotland for projects under the categories of Land Reclamation (Object A), Community Recycling (Object B), Public Amenities (Object C), Biodiversity (Object D) and Historic Buildings (Object E).
Deadline: Ongoing

SUEZ Communities Trust Scottish Landfill Communities Fund – Smaller Projects Fund
Grants up to £20,000 are available to non-profit making organisations in Scotland for projects under the categories of Land Reclamation (Object A), Community Recycling (Object B), Public Amenities (Object C), Biodiversity (Object D) and Historic Buildings (Object E).
Deadline: Ongoing

Volunteering Matters Action Earth - Scotland
Small grants up to £500 are available for local volunteer groups in Scotland to take action and improve their local environment through volunteering activities.
Deadline: Ongoing


Stafford Trust
Grants between £500 and £5,000 are available to support registered charities in the UK, with a preference towards charitable organisations operating in Scotland.
Deadline: 30 June 2021

Barcapel Foundation
Grants up to £100,000 are available to registered charities in Scotland for projects and activities that promote the Foundation's priority areas of health, heritage and youth.
Deadline: 01 October 2021

Dulverton Trust
Grants up to £35,000 are available to UK registered charities working to produce significant impact in the Trust's priority areas: youth opportunities, general welfare, conservation, heritage, Africa (Kenya and Uganda), and peace and humanitarian support.
Deadline: Ongoing

Foyle Foundation Small Grants Scheme
Grants up to £10,000 are available to smaller charities registered and operating in the UK for projects that will make a significant impact on their work.
Deadline: Ongoing

MacRobert Trust
Grants are available for UK registered charities with a preference for organisations based in Scotland which have projects that address the themes set out by The MacRobert Trust.
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Awards for All - Scotland
Grants of between £300 and £10,000 are available for voluntary, community and public sector organisations in Scotland to carry out projects that will improve local communities and the lives of people most in need.
Deadline: Ongoing

People's Postcode Trust - Scotland
Grants ranging from £500 to £20,000 are available for smaller charities and good causes in Scotland.
Deadline: Ongoing

Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation
Grants up to £3,000 are available to UK registered charities for charitable work in the UK that benefits children, through their education and/or welfare, youth projects, and the elderly and their welfare
Deadline: Ongoing

Wakeham Trust
Grants are available to registered charities, community and voluntary groups in the UK to support small-scale projects with a community emphasis that would find it hard to obtain funding elsewhere.
Deadline: Ongoing


Foundation Scotland - Scotch Whisky Action Fund
Awards of up to £35,000 are available to third sector organisations to develop and deliver short breaks projects and services for carers of adults (aged 21 years and over), young carers (caring for children or adults), and the people that they care for.
Deadline: 28 June 2021

Smarter Choices, Smarter Places Open Fund
Grants up to £50,000 are available for public, third and community sector organisations in Scotland that want to change people's everyday travel behaviour; encouraging people to use sustainable travel choices for longer journeys, walking and cycling for short journeys, and home-working to replace daily commutes.
Deadline: Ongoing

Anton Jurgens Charitable Trust
Grants from £1,000 to £6,000 are available to UK registered charities for charitable projects that support people of all ages who are socially disadvantaged and/or have mental and/or physical disabilities.
Deadline: Ongoing

Hargreaves Foundation
Grants are available for charities and educational institutions that support those under the age of 18 years, and living with a mental health condition, disability or growing up in poverty through the mediums of sport and education
Deadline: Ongoing

The Pixel Fund
Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available for registered UK-based charities and registered community interest organisations to support projects that promote the mental health and wellbeing of children and young adults
Deadline: Ongoing


Theatre Improvement Scheme
Grants up to £20,000 are available for not-for-profit theatres in the UK for capital improvement projects that will improve environmental sustainability.
Deadline: 06 September 2021

Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme
Grants are available towards the VAT incurred during repairs and maintenance of listed buildings that are used principally as public places of worship, or which are listed places of worship owned by specified organisations that look after redundant places of worship.
Deadline: Ongoing

The Scottish Land Fund
The Land Fund is open to full applications, with the first grants due to be made in early summer 2021. Grants from £10,001 to £100,000 are available to support rural and urban communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets
Deadline: Ongoing

Pilgrim Trust
Small grants up to £5,000 and Main grants from £5,000 are available for projects in the UK concerned with heritage preservation and social welfare, especially improving the life chances of vulnerable members of society (particularly women and girls).
Deadline: Ongoing


Aldi Scottish Sport Fund
Grants up to £2,500 are available through a random regional draw for local sports clubs in Scotland to support their work in their local community.
Deadline 14 June 2021

Dan Maskell Tennis Trust
Grants up to £1,500 are available to help disabled people in the UK to play tennis through the purchase of wheelchairs, tennis equipment and grants for coaching.
Deadline: 29 June 2021

Boost Charitable Trust
Small grants are available to charities and non-profit making organisations with a focus on helping disabled and disadvantaged individuals in the UK to participate in sport.
Deadline: Ongoing

Sports Facilities Fund
Grants of up to £100,000 to support capital projects that provide opportunities for people to get involved in and participate in sport and physical activity in Scotland.
Support is available to projects that demonstrate the greatest impact on: Progression - providing opportunities for people to develop, progress and achieve success at their chosen level of sport. Participation - providing opportunities for people to get involved and participate in sport and stay involved throughout their life with a particular focus on increasing participation within those groups who are under-represented in sport: young people; women and girls; disabled people or those from deprived communities.
Deadline: 01 September 2021

RYA Foundation
Grants are available for sailing clubs in the UK to promote participation in boating by those who are disadvantaged by reason of youth, age, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances.
Deadline: Ongoing


Essentia Foundation
Grants up to £3,000 are available to small charities and community groups in Scotland for projects aiming to improve the health and social welfare of children and young people and those providing opportunities for training, enhanced learning and upskilling.
Deadline: 28 June 2021

Ironmongers' Company
Grant up to £10,000 for projects in the UK that provide opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people under the age of 25 years to fulfil their potential.
Deadline: 31 July 2021

Hilden Charitable Fund
Grants up to £5,000 are available for UK charities working in the areas of homelessness, penal affairs, asylum seekers and refugees, community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people (16-25), and projects in developing countries working on community development, education, and health (with particular interest in projects that address the needs and potential of girls and women) Deadline: 31 August 2021

Boshier-Hinton Foundation
Grants up to £2,000 are available for charities in the UK working with children and adults with special educational or other needs.
Deadline: Ongoing

Buttle UK - Chances for Children
Grants up to £2,000 are available to enable vulnerable children and young people in the UK to overcome financial barriers preventing them from achieving their education, training or employment goals.
Deadline: Ongoing

Gannochy Trust
Small grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 or Main grants of up to £30,000 are available across Scotland for work that aims to inspire young people under 25 years of age; and for projects in Perth and Kinross that aim to improve the quality of life for local people, develop and inspire young people or improve the availability/quality of the built and natural environment for wide community use.
Deadline: Ongoing

National Lottery Community Fund - Young Start Fund
Grants up to £100,000 are available to voluntary and community organisations for work that helps young people (aged 8 to 24) to become more confident and play an active part in realising their potential.
Deadline: Ongoing

Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Youth Fund
Grants up to £90,000 are available for organisations whose main purpose is working with and for young people (aged 14-25) who face complex transitions to adulthood.
Deadline: Ongoing


East Lothian Community Lottery results


Volunteer Befrienders Needed