Living Wage Scotland and Social Enterprises

Living Wage Scotland are looking to engage with Social Enterprises who are interested in learning about the business value and social impact of paying the real Living Wage and gaining Living Wage accreditation.

The real Living Wage is currently £9.50 per hour for the UK and £10.85 in London. 

More than 1900 Scottish based employers have now made a public commitment to go beyond the legal minimum to ensure their staff are paid a wage that accurately reflects the cost of Living.

Employers who have committed to paying the real Living Wage have reported a range of benefits: 

  • Improved retention rates of staff and therefore reduced costs from recruitment and training.

  • Increased number of applications for jobs, as well as an improvement in the quality of applications.

  • Employees reported feeling more valued and appreciated, leading them to feel proud to work for their employer.

One employee shared the benefits they have experienced: 

“It’s given me the freedom to work reasonable hours while being able to support myself financially. I don’t worry about having to work every hour possible to live comfortably”. 

Figures from the Social Enterprise Scotland’s 2019 census highlighted that 75% of Social Enterprises already pay the real Living Wage, and we would be delighted to discuss the benefits of gaining formal recognition of this commitment. 

Some reported benefits of gaining Living Wage accreditation are: 

  • Publicly show your commitment to creating a fairer and more just society.

  • Helps to differentiate you from others in your sector.

  • Signals your long-term commitment to your staff.

An accredited social enterprise told us: 

We are proud to be part of the real Living Wage movement as an example of how even small organisations like us, can help support and deliver real change to people's lives”.          

Living Wage Scotland   believe that payment of the real Living Wage and gaining accreditation fits well with the ethos and goals of value driven social enterprises. These values such as empowerment, inclusivity and sustainability will be important as we look to re-build a fairer economy. We believe there is a fantastic opportunity for social enterprises from across Scotland to play their part in creating a more just and compassionate society, one where we don’t just live, but we thrive.

Further information is available on the website or please contact  


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