Inspiring Volunteer Awards Winners and Gallery 2021

As part of our Volunteer’s Week 2021 celebrations, we held The Inspiring Volunteering Awards ceremony online on 3rd June. It was attended by around 50 people, with afternoon teas for all the finalists and their nominators. The Inspiring Volunteering Awards ceremony was very different to past years but nonetheless it was still filled with appreciation and admiration for East Lothian’s volunteers.  Many congratulations to all our amazing winners this year, and to all our nominees – you’re simply the best, and you are ALL worthy of recognition!

The winners of the Inspiring Volunteering Awards 2021 awards are as follows:


Community Volunteer of the Year

Graham Samuel from The Haddington Resilience Group

During the first lockdown of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Graham showed his dedication and commitment to those in need by volunteering his time by being first on hand every day regardless of the time, weather and task. For the first few weeks, Graham visited on average 10-11 different households a day.


Health & Wellbeing Volunteer of the Year

Colin McIlvenny from East Lothian Roots and Fruits

Colin’s involvement with Roots and Fruits began several years ago, when he made up boxes of fruit and vegetables. He then progressed to making deliveries and now commits every Monday morning to distributing healthy, locally sourced and nutritious food in communities across East Lothian.


Outstanding Trustee of the Year

Alison Reynolds from Our Community Kitchen

She sacrifices her time to ensuring the work of OCK fulfils all its obligations to the people for whom OCK has been a lifeline. She is responsible for setting up and running the kindness calls, an initiative to maintain a weekly connection to OCK folk. Since the Covid lockdown in March 2021 to date, 6,420 calls have been made to people at home.


Volunteer Team of the Year

Our Community Kitchen Volunteer Team

The work of Our Community Kitchen for Haddington and Lammermuir Area has been based on identified need and incredible resourcefulness, determination and love. It has grown to full capacity, developing a fantastic partnership with Haddington Bowling Club, in use of premises, has supported and developed a variety of offshoots such as fundraising for and siting of / community training in the use of a defibrillator and encompassed an ambition to bring delight as well as nourishing food and company into the lives of so many.


Young Volunteer of the Year

Imogen Woods from Cockenzie & Port Seton Community Resilience

At the start of the pandemic an appeal went out for local volunteers to assist the Resilience team deliver food to vulnerable and shielding residents. Despite her young age (16 at that time) Imogen persuaded her parents to be the drivers and take her around a delivery route - 5 days a week around the village. She loved the interaction with people and became a firm favourite with the people she was visiting on a daily basis.


Lifelong Commitment to Volunteering

Robert G Mitchell from Haddington & District Day Centre

Robert Mitchell has been involved in Haddington Day Centre before the centre opened in 1988. Robert (Bob) was on the original steering committee when the people of Haddington realised the importance of having a centre for older adults. With Bob's background in nursing, he was a valued member of the steering committee. Over the years Bob has served on the committee in many ways and he has been our chairperson for many years. Bob is known as a fair person; he always sees the whole picture and is an excellent boss.


Award’s Gallery

The Finalists of 2021

Community Volunteer of the Year

  • Charlotte McMillan - Pencaitland Community Choir

  • Graham Samuel - Haddington Bridge Centre

  • Susan Coyle - Elphinstone Emergency Response Team

Health and Wellbeing Volunteer of the Year

  • Ashley Conning - Support from the Start

  • Laura Ross – Enjoy Leisure

  • Colin McIlvenny - East Lothian Roots and Fruits

Volunteer Team of the Year

  • Our Community Kitchen Volunteer Team

  • Pennypit Covid Response Volunteers

  • Gullane Resilience Group

Young Volunteer

  • Alfie Brown - Impact Football East Lothian

  • Imogen Woods - Cockenzie & Port Seton Community Resilience

  • Mekala Osborne - Pennypit Community Development Trust

Lifelong Commitment

  • Robert G Mitchell - Haddington & District Day Centre

  • Davie Martin - Radio Saltire

  • Simon Fairnie - Musselburgh Museum & Heritage Group

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Volunteer Befrienders Needed


Inspiring Volunteering Awards 2021 Nominees